sábado, 19 de marzo de 2016

Week#3: The Main Diagnostic Procedures in Nuclear Medicine

In nuclear medicine there are many procedures that are used to detect diseases. Some of these are specific procedures for an specific disease. According to http://hoy.com.do/salud-preventiva-diagnostico-con-la-aplicacion-de-la-medicina-nuclear/ here are some of them:

1. Thyroid scintigraphy: It allows us to assess both morphology and glandular function. Useful for the diagnosis of simple and nodular goiters, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, thyroid agenesis, thyroglossal cyst, ectopic and intro-thoracic thyroid, thyroiditis. We can distinguish which nodules are suggestive of malignancy, and then recommend a punch biopsy.
2. Parathyroid scintigraphy: It is used in patients with hyperparathyroidism for detecting hyperplasia and adenomas parathyroid.

3. Scintigraphy for Osseous scan: Its main application is the search for bone metastases in patients with known primary cancers, especially breast, prostate and lung. It also serves to monitor the response to chemotherapy and radiotherapy. We can also diagnose primary bone tumors, osteomyelitis, sacroiliitis, fractures, cellulitis, septic arthritis, avascular necrosis, osteoarthritis, prosthesis assess, among others.
4. Renal scintigraphy: It is the only study that allows us to assess perfusion and function of each kidney separately. Useful in the diagnosis of renal failure, obstructive pathologies, hydronephrosis, vesicoureteral reflux, ectopic kidneys, reno-vascular hypertension, assess kidney transplants, etc.

5. Body scan with gallium: Useful for locating tumors, inflammatory and infectious processes in the body.

There are many more procedures but these are just some of them. They are an example for emphasize the great help that nuclear medicine gives us.

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